Are Labradors Truly the Best Swimmers?

Labrador Retrievers were specifically bred to excel at water retrieving. Their coats have a natural oily quality that helps repel water, making them well-suited for swimming. Some Labs absolutely love the water and it seems to be ingrained in their DNA. It’s truly a “Lab Thing” to see these beach-loving dogs having the time of their lives splashing around.

A Labrador Retriever running in the water

Their fur has a natural oiliness that helps to keep them dry by repelling water.

A Labrador Retriever walking in the water at the beach

#3 They’re absolutely smitten! Take a look at this post on Instagram, it’s clear that they adore it! #4 It’s safe to say that their genes are hardwired to have a strong affinity towards water.

A Labrador Retriever jumping towards the water at the beach

Are you for real?

A white Labrador Retriever standing in the grass in front of a tub of water

Number 6: Surfer Dude!

A white Labrador Retriever lying by the seashore

Let’s talk all about labs!

A yellow Labrador Retriever standing in the sand by the beach

Absolutely right! Being a Lab lover is just the best!

A white Labrador Retriever lying on top of the boat floating in the water

#9 Swimming like this is definitely the way to go… Check out this post on Instagram for more adorable dog moments! #10 Keep going! Bring on the water! Don’t miss out on this cute post from Asti and Lyubov’s Instagram account! #11 Giving it my all! Check out Natali’s post on Instagram for some motivational content! #12 There seems to be a problem here! Find out more about what’s going on in Natashenka’s Instagram post!

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