“A Husky’s Journey from Exploitation to Redemption: An Exclusive Interview with Her Rescuer”

Silvia Rayssa, who manages Maya’s Instagram account, has a powerful message advocating for the rescue of mistreated animals. The story of Maya, a Siberian husky, is a testament to this message. Five years ago, Maya’s life was a nightmare. She had been forced to breed repeatedly in a puppy factory in GoiĆ¢nia, Brazil, and was in terrible condition when she was found. Her health issues had left her paraplegic and useless to the kennel. The kennel was about to get rid of her when Rayssa intervened. By rescuing Maya, Rayssa gave her a second chance at a happy life and saved herself in the process. Bored Panda has reached out to Rayssa for the full story of Maya’s rescue. Let us remember that there are still good people among us, as one animal rescue story a day can remind us.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

The dog was facing the threat of being abandoned by the kennel because she was deemed unprofitable due to her poor health status.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

Many of us have pondered the question of whether our fate is predetermined or a result of chance. This thought has crossed my mind on numerous occasions. Recently, a coworker who shares my passion for animal welfare received a disturbing report. The operators of an illegal breeding facility were planning to dispose of a mother dog because she was no longer capable of producing puppies for them to sell. Their solution was to poison the helpless creature and put her out of her misery. Rayssa shared this heartbreaking story with Bored Panda. It made me think of Maya, a dog who was discovered in a frigid cage in 2016, paralyzed and in dire need of medical attention.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

I will always remember August 28, 2016. Life has a way of surprising us with things we’ve never seen before. This day was no exception. We stumbled upon a dog that was in a terrible state. She was extremely injured and had resorted to drinking her own urine and eating her own feces. It was a sight that tugged at my heartstrings. We knew we couldn’t leave her there, so we took Maya into our car. The look on her face told us she was relieved to be leaving that place behind. Rayssa made the decision to take Maya home and start anew.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

Maya_especial is the owner of the image used in this article. In a heartbreaking story, a woman became paralyzed from the waist down because she was brutally beaten and tied up. It is truly devastating to hear about such an act of violence.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

According to Rayssa, there is always something new to discover in life, even if we think we have seen it all. It’s a reminder that there’s always more to explore and experience in the world.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

The photo credits go to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

Maya came into Rayssa’s life precisely when they both required it the most – “she was my savior.”

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

My passion for animals has always been an intrinsic part of me. There’s something about them that draws me in, and I’ve always felt a unique connection with them that’s hard to explain. It’s as if my heart is overflowing with love for them.
During a particularly tough period in my life, everything seemed to lose its meaning. I felt exhausted and drained, as if I was just going through the motions without truly living. That’s when I realized that what I needed was a big, special animal to fill my heart with hope and joy.
I can’t quite put into words what I felt when I made this realization, but it was a profound moment that changed my life forever.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

Maya’s new owner stayed by her side constantly for the first two days. Despite Maya’s weakness, her eyes showed a fierce determination to keep living. The photo credit goes to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

During the initial 2 days, I stayed with her constantly without taking a break. We were worried that she might not survive due to her critical state when we found her. However, as I looked into her eyes, I could sense her determination and resilience. She refused to give up and showed a strong will to live.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

Attribution for the image goes to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

When Maya was first introduced to her new family, she was understandably hesitant. Having lived in a dark, cold cage for five years with no affection or attention, she had never experienced the love of a family. But her new family was determined to help her recover from her traumatic past. Over the course of a year and a half, Maya received extensive treatment to help restore both her physical and mental health. It was a long journey, but with patience and care, Maya finally began to open up and trust her new family.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

After discovering Maya’s condition, we began her extensive treatment, which involved several visits to veterinary clinics. Based on her history, I had already accepted the fact that she may never walk again, but that didn’t bother me. However, learning that she had become paralyzed due to physical abuse and being tied up was heartbreaking. I cannot even fathom the extent of the trauma she must have experienced.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

The credits for the image go to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

After three weeks of trying to nurse her back to health, we were hit with a major scare. Our loved one urgently required a blood transfusion or her body wouldn’t be able to fight off the illness. It was a moment that turned my world upside down. I tried to put on a brave face for her sake, but in reality, it was she who was holding us both up with her strength. As she was no longer able to walk, she began adapting to life in a wheelchair. It was a difficult transition, but now she’s free to go wherever she pleases ā€“ soaring like a bird. Image credits to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

As soon as we initiated the process of adapting her to the wheelchair, we witnessed a magical moment. The moment she sat in the car seat of her wheelchair, she realized that she had found her wings. She was finally free, free to explore the world and go wherever her heart desired. Maya_especial captured this beautiful moment in an image that speaks volumes about the preciousness of freedom.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

The credits for the image go to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

Maya underwent treatment for around 18 months and her strength grew with each passing day. She’s been leaving behind the nightmares of her past and embracing a brighter future. Today, almost five years later, Maya is unrecognizable from who she was on August 28, 2016 – a testament to her inspiring journey. Image credits: maya_especial

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

It’s been over four years since Maya’s transformation, but her story still resonates with those who followed it closely. Her unwavering will to live is something that will never be forgotten.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

The photo credits belong to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

The credit for the image goes to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

Maya’s strong will to survive and her newfound appreciation for the kindness of others has led her to a fulfilling existence. It is truly remarkable how far she has come. Credits to the photographer, maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

The credits for the image go to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

The credits for the image go to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

According to popular belief, I rescued Maya; however, I beg to differ and say that she saved me instead. The story of Maya’s triumph over adversity, empathy, and affection has significantly impacted my life and the lives of many others, and we are still experiencing its effects today. We can attest to the fact that love is capable of mending all wounds!
Maya’s incredible journey is a testament to this fact. She received warmth and respect from us, which helped heal her deepest emotional wounds. Today, those wounds are mere scars – a testament to Maya’s remarkable strength in the face of adversity. These scars serve as symbols of her perseverance, which only a true warrior could possess.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life


The photo credit goes to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

The photo credit goes to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

Attribution: The photo used in this content is courtesy of maya_especial.

Reworded: Photo credit goes to maya_especial for the image used in this piece of content.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

The credit for the image goes to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

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To avoid committing plagiarism, we need to modify the content in our own words. So, let’s take a relaxed approach and try to rephrase the text in English.

Photo credits go to maya_especial.

Owners Exploited This Husky Until She Could No Longer Walk And Produce Puppies - This Woman Gave Her A Second Chance In Life

Attribution for the photo should be given to maya_especial. Let’s rephrase the sentence to avoid plagiarism: The credit for the picture goes to maya_especial.

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