“Adorable Pooch Embarks on Daily Solo Journey to Pay Homage to Beloved Companion’s Resting Place”

Love is in the air ❤️
Fulmine, a cute little dog, had been Leonardo’s (Sara Sechi’s father) companion for seven wonderful years in the Italian countryside. The two friends enjoyed each other’s company and were always seen cuddling. Although their happy moments together have come to an end, their love continues to live on.

Sara Sechi reported that Leonardo, her loved one, sadly passed away after fighting a prolonged illness last month. During his hospitalization, Fulmine, Leonardo’s little dog, was taken care of by his family, who noticed how much he missed his owner. According to Sechi, every time a vehicle pulled up, Fulmine would rush to the gate, hoping it was his father returning. Even after Leonardo’s funeral, the dog continued to search for him. Finally, Fulmine found his beloved owner.

After the funeral of Leonardo, Sara Sechi and her son went to the cemetery on the following day to leave more flowers on his grave. However, they were taken aback to see Fulmine paying a visit as well.

Amazingly, Fulmine had strolled for almost two miles by himself from the rural area and arrived at the exact location where Leonardo had been buried. He appeared to comprehend that his companion, whom he hadn’t encountered in several weeks, was now resting there.

Sara Sechi was surprised to see Fulmine as he hadn’t attended the funeral. She was clueless about how he found the place. The unexpected reunion of Fulmine and Leonardo happened, but only in spirit.

It was not the last time that Fulmine would visit the cemetery. According to reports from neighbors, the little dog frequently travels back and forth between the cemetery and the place where his beloved friend Leonardo is buried. Sara Sechi, Leonardo’s daughter, believes that Fulmine visits the cemetery every day. However, it remains a mystery how Fulmine knows how to find Leonardo’s grave. Sechi likes to think that Fulmine is guided by his immense love for her father or that her father somehow leads Fulmine to the cemetery. It is an inexplicable phenomenon. Though Fulmine still mourns, he can find solace in the fact that he is never alone.

Sara Sechi has welcomed Fulmine, her father’s beloved dog, into her home to grieve together and eventually create new happy memories as a family. Even though Leonardo is no longer with them, his memory will always be alive in their hearts. Sara feels emotional when she thinks about the strong bond between her father and Fulmine. Although it is difficult to see the dog grieving, they will work through this sad time together.

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