From Fluffy to Fit: A Beagle’s Journey to Losing Half His Body Weight and Meeting a Companion of Equal Size.

Presently, Wolfgang is aiding his foster brother in getting better. He was discovered as a stray at a shelter and was extremely overweight, weighing 90 pounds which is three times more than his ideal weight. The shelter reached out to his owner, who chose to surrender him on the phone. Regardless of his sad experience, Wolfgang remains optimistic and continues to radiate his delightful personality, which was quickly observed by Erin McManis.;webp=auto;jpeg_quality=60.jpg

90-pound rescue beagle named Wolfgang sheds weight

According to McManis, a foster parent at Arizona Beagle Rescue, the adorable Wolfgang was a lovable and affable dog, even from the first day they rescued him. Despite his obesity, McManis and her family were determined to help him lose weight and eventually decided to adopt him. Unfortunately, his excess weight made it hard for him to move around and prevented him from doing things he enjoyed, such as greeting his owner at the door.;webp=auto;jpeg_quality=60.jpg

Wolfgang the obese beagle plays in the yard

The Instagram account, “obese_beagle,” tells the story of Wolfgang, a beagle who struggled with obesity and couldn’t even greet his owner at the door due to exhaustion. Wolfgang’s weight loss journey has been a year-long process of diet and exercise, and has resulted in him shedding nearly half of his body weight. At 51 pounds, he is now able to engage in activities like playing with his brother Andre, running, swimming, and chasing toys. Despite his previous limitations, Wolfgang still wanted to show affection towards his owners and would wag his tail enthusiastically from his bed.

McManis was under the impression that beagles only came in one size until she crossed paths with Jameson. Arizona Beagle Rescue reached out to her after witnessing the progress she made with Wolfgang, informing her about a 100-pound beagle that had just arrived at the nearby animal shelter. Initially hesitant about taking on another pet, McManis eventually came around and welcomed Jameson into her household, despite already having three dogs.;webp=auto;jpeg_quality=60.jpg

100-pound beagle rescued from shelter

McManis and her family welcomed Jameson, the obese beagle, into their home in January this year. Since then, the adorable pup has already lost 25 pounds. Unlike the other dog, Wolfgang, who blended in with the family seamlessly, Jameson took some time to adjust to his new lifestyle. The 3-year-old was accustomed to being the only dog and had trouble sharing and becoming a part of a pack. Nonetheless, he is now settling in nicely with his furry companions. You can follow Jameson’s journey on Instagram at @obese_beagle.

Wolfgang is providing great support to his foster brother in achieving his weight loss goals. Jameson’s knee tear will soon be corrected through surgery, allowing him to participate in physical activities once again. Once he attains a healthy weight, he will start looking for a loving permanent family. Until then, he is in good hands with Wolfgang who is more than willing to assist him in any way needed.

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