Pooch Takes on Role of Father to Stranded Baby Ducks

Meet Fred, a 10-year old Labrador retriever residing at Mountfitchet Castle in England. Having grown up around animals of varying shapes and sizes, Fred took on the role of “dad” to nine orphaned ducklings when their mother vanished. Concerned staff members found the little ones wandering around the castle grounds all by themselves, but there was no need to worry as Fred immediately took them under his paw and has been looking after them ever since. The ducklings rely on Fred for safety and warmth, and the friendly Labrador has grown used to having nine tiny shadows following him around. For the next few months, Fred will be their surrogate parent until they are able to fly and become independent. Although he may be bigger and hairier than their mother, Fred has proven to be the perfect foster dad. It’s safe to say that Fred the Labrador is a very good boy indeed.

He recently took on the role of father to a group of nine ducklings who were orphaned when their mother disappeared.

Fred is doing an outstanding job as a full-time father while residing in the historical Mountfitchet Castle located in Essex.

Despite being bigger and having more hair than the mother duck, Fred has demonstrated himself to be an exceptional foster parent to the ducklings.

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